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world economic organization中文是什么意思

用"world economic organization"造句"world economic organization"怎么读"world economic organization" in a sentence


  • 世界经济组织


  • Because china has already joined wto , as one of world economic organization members , we must deal with all things by means of world sight . so i predict that accounting system innovation would development towards to internationalization
    中国已加入wto ,作为世界经济组织成员之一,我们必须以全球的视角来处理问题,因此,本文认为将来会计核算制度的改革必将朝着国际化发展。
  • One of the important marks of the participation in globalization is to take part in world economic organizations . russia has succeeded in entering into the world bank and international monetary fund . russia ' s entry into the world trade organization is an important step on the road of russia ' s integration into global economy
用"world economic organization"造句  
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